Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Biography of William Blake - 1631 Words

How you live your life and the people you surround yourself with influence and inspire your work and success. William Blake was a famous artist, engraver and poet. However, it was not until 1863 that he became famous when Alexander Gilchrist published his biography(Blake, William, and Geoffrey Keynes).Blake and his poetry have been compared to Shakespeare (Kathleen Raine). As an artist Blake was equated to Michelangelo. Being born during the time of both the American and French Revolution, William Blake was against both the Church and the State. Blake was a Dualist, believing the earth is broken up into two; good and evil, Heaven and Hell. He was a visionary and was known to many as a modern-day prophet (in class). Blake’s visions†¦show more content†¦In June of 1780, the Gordon Riots broke out. The Gordon Riots were non-catholic demonstrations in response to a bill repealing penalties against the practice of Roman Catholicism . Houses and chapels were burned down and many people were arrested and killed. In addition, many prisoners were set free. Blake witnessed the burning of Newgate Prison from the front line. He was mixed in with a mob who attacked the prison (Thomas Wright). Gilchrist argues that Blake was â€Å"forced† to join the mob. However, many biographers argue that Blake supported the revolutionists and joined the mob by choice (The Complete Work). August 18, 1782, William Blake, at the age of 24, married 20 year old Catherine Boucher. She was the daughter of a Battersea market gardener. Though Blake and Catherine had a happy life together, they did not have any children. Catherine was uneducated and illiterate (Blake, William, and Geoffrey Keynes.). Blake taught Catherine how to read and write as well as how to engrave. In 1783, Blake published his first collection of poems Poetical Sketches. (The Complete Work). Many people influenced the writing of this collection. This included Shakespeare, John Milton, Thomas Fletche r, Augustan Poetry and many, many more. One of the poems in this collection, â€Å"To the Muses†, is contemporary poetry that mocks the Augustan Poetry. The poems in the collection reflect Blake’s objection toShow MoreRelatedEssay about A Brief Biography of William Blake668 Words   |  3 PagesHave you ever heard of a guy name William Blake? No, if not I can tell you things about him. William Blake was born over his father’s modest history shop at Broad Street, Golden Square, London. His dad name was James Blake and his mother name was Catherin Wright Armitage Blake. Did Blake have any Brother and Sisters? Yes he had four brothers and one sister their names are: John Blake, Richard Blake, James Blake, John William, and Catherin Elizabeth (A1). 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