Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Voice of a Writer Essays

The Voice of a Writer Essays The Voice of a Writer Essay The Voice of a Writer Essay My style of composing is a portrayal of my manner of thinking. When perusing something Vive composed, while it might take you for some time to get past everything, contains flabbiness of my life, mocking remarks, and for the most part a long start. These viewpoints bring a tad bit of myself into my composition, which makes a general certifiable tone that integrates everything. My family is overly ridiculous, breaking Jokes day and night. That condition growing up formed my character, thus, impacts my style of composing. I utilize mockery to not just put some of myself into my composition, yet in addition to give an individual vibe to the words, making them increasingly relatable and acceptable. As Allan Sloan stated, l talk that way, so I compose that way. Despite the fact that, my mockery may not move too on paper as it would face to face, I attempt to keep all that I type on the console, or scrawl down on a bit of paper with the goal of the peruser thinking, MIPS, that is something Emily would state. Perusing a paper of my mine is what might be compared to having an eye to eye discussion with me, since who I am as an author is equivalent to who am I as an individual. Fundamentally, I like to have a feeling of life in what I compose, and these exact attributes make the veritable tone, basic for a decent work of composing. Individual contacts in a bit of composing, to me, are one of the key segments to making a fruitful portrayal of your musings, regardless of the impact youre attempting to accompli sh. Influential, enlightening, intelligent, all need feeling to be effective in catching the perusers eye. Regardless of whether youre attempting to convince your mother to release you to the motion pictures or get a man strolling down the road to stop and read your article about legislative issues, you need a degree of feeling, bid to the perusers feelings, to really pick up their advantage and prevail upon them. The statement, My thoughts for the most part come not at my work area composing however amidst living. As told by Nanas In is a figurative portrayal of how I utilize my background to Justify my musings. At the point when you can speak to someones feelings, you make a degree of better comprehension for the peruser. At the point when you read my composition, youll notice Ill reference past encounters, individuals I know, individual choices, and so forth. All since it makes a conversational tone. Its like a brief look into my life that others can peruse and consider a comparable circumstance that has happened to them. At the point when you can identify with somebody, it makes the assignment of being guaranteed the peruser comprehends your focuses a lot simpler. Regardless of whether the peruser doesnt concur with what youre saying, they can regard your musings. I see my composition as an inventive procedure, one in which I generally experience as I go. Joan Doing said all that needed to be said in his statement l compose altogether to discover what Im thinking, what Im taking a gander at, what I see and what it closeness. which is an away from of myself while composing. My composing is my Test path AT assembling my tongues, ten dominant part AT need I compose Is a really precise portrayal of my manner of thinking. A ton of times, I compose a whole piece before I experience and read it. I compose before I even allow myself to consider it in such a case that I do, I will lose the idea and be starting over from the beginning. As Im composing this now, I dont know whether it bodes well, is pertinent to what I ought to depict, or on the off chance that it even has a sort o. My contemplations are formed through my composition, and my creation is the aftereffect of finding what my significance is. The two above pictures go connected at the hip, however such that the two of them speak to various parts of my creative cycle. Returning to the possibility that my composing is a reflection of my considerations, my psyche while Im composing is continually tossing thoughts, words, ND sentences to me which I record in this way, thus, my composing will in general get entirely extensive. While length of an exposition is a significant part, I accept that amount isn't to be mistaken for quality. My brain gets so wrapped up once in a while on one specific subject that occasionally I invest an excess of energy in one theme and make a more unfortunate Showing on different focuses I need to get over. Coordinated articles are most likely perhaps the greatest test, the ordinary style youll see is long, clear initial not many passages, however the last section might be just a couple of sentences, once in a while its as terrible as to not have an end. This is one of the blemishes my composing has, and these photos delineate that: my disposition toward the start of composing resembles that of the primary picture, however my appearance as time runs low and I surge Just to complete, well Im sure you can accumulate from the stepping stool. To completely comprehend anything requires a degree of assessment, at times in any event, diving as deep as to self-examination. Before I composed up this end, I revisited and read the three some-odd pages I had conspired up, dissecting my investigation of myself. Furthermore, what I closed is very stunning: I have continued to arrange myself as an author. Vive consistently thought about composing my best subject, and in doing this paper, Vive come to comprehend the essentials of the subject I for one exceed expectations at, making the future works that greatly improved in light of the fact that bringing up the key parts show what makes my composing genuinely mine, and at last myself as an individual. The general subject of my composing is character: my remarkable characteristics being depicted through words here and there indiscreetly tossed on a page while containing explicit complex characteristics, for example, long elucidating beginnings followed by short and rough ends (other than this one obviously).

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Mosquito Fest :: Personal Narrative Descriptive Place Essays

Mosquito Fest I felt a little tickle on my arm. It transformed into a squeezing tingle. I took a gander at my helpless white arm to locate a little dark striped mosquito hassling my perfect tissue for the ideal spot to strike. At the speed of light it was at that point infusing my skin and when I looked, it had vanquished my blood. Mosquitoes, mosquitoes, mosquitoes! Aaaahhhh! They can make anybody insane. Strolling through the loungers, not even the creepy crawly repellent will spare you. I just don’t get it. I’m yielding my skin by wearing creepy crawly repellant with deet (which dissolves plastic) and these salt water beasts despite everything oversaw and set out to squeeze and infiltrate however my skin, draining my blood out of me. One of my colleagues revealed to me a mosquito mystery. She said in the event that I pulled my skin, extending it in inverse ways while a mosquito is gnawing me, it’s stinger would get caught in the skin and it would detonate. I considered how on Earth this was conceivable until she instructed me that the mosquito would keep on drawing blood as an endeavor to get out. I believed that she was right since she works with the Everglades and she has done this without anyone else's help. I was so flabbergasted with this data that I couldn’t hold back to blast one of those little irritations myself. It’s unusual in light of the fact that I don’t ever slaughter creepy crawlies. I don’t have the heart to. I accept that simply like people they have their own lives and reserve the option to live. I don’t even slaughter flies. I surmise that is on the grounds that they don’t nibble or genuinely irritate me. From time to time I’ll discover a reptile meandering in my home. At the point when I end up in a circumstance like this, I’ll open the closest window or entryway and push or lead it out with a brush. Little reptiles I really get with my exposed hands. Moreover, I’m upbeat they eat flies and reptiles. I don’t backing or use bug splash (I think it’s totally savage). In this way, back to mosquitoes: Going through the Bid Cypress Swamp, Lynette and I were attempting to let mosquitoes chomp us so we would have the option to pop them. We weren’t lucky however. I without a doubt, couldn’t manage the way that I would have been left with a red knock, also it would truly trouble me tingling like insane for two or three days. Mosquito Fest :: Personal Narrative Descriptive Place Essays Mosquito Fest I felt a little tickle on my arm. It transformed into a squeezing tingle. I took a gander at my helpless white arm to locate a little dark striped mosquito pestering my spotless substance for the ideal spot to strike. At the speed of light it was at that point infusing my skin and when I looked, it had vanquished my blood. Mosquitoes, mosquitoes, mosquitoes! Aaaahhhh! They can make anybody insane. Strolling through the loungers, not even the bug repellent will spare you. I just don’t get it. I’m yielding my skin by wearing bug repellant with deet (which dissolves plastic) and these salt water beasts despite everything oversaw and set out to squeeze and enter however my skin, draining my blood out of me. One of my cohorts revealed to me a mosquito mystery. She said on the off chance that I pulled my skin, extending it in inverse ways while a mosquito is gnawing me, it’s stinger would get caught in the skin and it would detonate. I thought about how on Earth this was conceivable until she instructed me that the mosquito would keep on drawing blood as an endeavor to get out. I believed that she was right since she works with the Everglades and she has done this without anyone's help. I was so flabbergasted with this data that I couldn’t stand by to blast one of those little irritations myself. It’s odd in light of the fact that I don’t ever murder creepy crawlies. I don’t have the heart to. I accept that simply like people they have their own lives and reserve the option to live. I don’t even slaughter flies. I surmise that is on the grounds that they don’t nibble or genuinely hassle me. Now and again I’ll discover a reptile meandering in my home. At the point when I end up in a circumstance like this, I’ll open the closest window or entryway and push or lead it out with a brush. Little reptiles I really get with my exposed hands. Additionally, I’m upbeat they eat flies and reptiles. I don’t backing or use bug shower (I think it’s totally pitiless). Thus, back to mosquitoes: Going through the Bid Cypress Swamp, Lynette and I were attempting to let mosquitoes nibble us so we would have the option to pop them. We weren’t blessed however. I most definitely, couldn’t manage the way that I would have been left with a red knock, also it would truly trouble me tingling like insane for a few days.

Friday, August 21, 2020

George cantor. infinite numbers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

George cantor. limitless numbers - Essay Example Cantor had the energy of turning into a mathematician and in 1862; he joined University of Zurich (Putnam, 10). Cantor later moved to the University of Berlin following the demise of his dad. Here, he had some expertise in science and material science and this organization allowed him to communicate with extraordinary mathematicians, for example, Weierstrass and Kronecker carrying him closer to his vocation as a mathematician (Putnam, 12). Subsequent to moving on from the college, he wound up turning into an unpaid speaker since he was unable to make sure about himself a steady business. In 1874, he got a situation as an associate educator at the University of Halle. It is in this equivalent year that he wedded. His concentrated research and investigation in science had not finished at this point and it is during this equivalent year that he distributed his first article on set hypothesis. In his exploration on set hypothesis, Cantor delved profound into the establishments of endless sets, which intrigued him most. He distributed various papers on set hypothesis somewhere in the range of 1874 and 1897 and arrive at the finish of 1897; he was in a situation to demonstrate that whole numbers in a set contained equivalent number of individuals to those contained in solid shapes, squares and numbers. He likewise gave that the tallies/numbers in a line which is interminable should be equivalent to the focuses in a line portion notwithstanding his previous proclamation that qualities which can't be utilized as answers for arithmetical conditions, for example, 2.71828 and 3.14159 in supernatural numbers will be incredibly greater than their whole numbers. Prior to these arrangements by him, the subject of boundlessness used to be treated as loved. Such a view had been proliferated by mathematicians, for example, Gauss who given that unendingness should just be utilized for talking purposes rather than being utilized as scientific qualities. In any case, Cantor restric ted Gauss’s contention saying that sets are finished number of individuals. Actually, Cantor felt free to term boundless numbers to be transfinite and therefore thought of totally new disclosures (Joseph, 188). Such disclosures saw him elevated to be the educator in 1879. Kronecker restricted Cantor’s contention on the premise that just â€Å"real† numbers might be named to be whole numbers naming decimals and parts as silly with the translation that they were not components of thought in mathematics’ business. Be that as it may, some different mathematicians, for example, Richard Dedekind and Weierstrass bolstered Cantor’s contention and reacted to Kronecker demonstrating to him that Cantor was in reality right. Kronecker’s resistance didn't stop or deferral Cantor’s work and in 1885, he expanded his hypothesis of request types and cardinal numbers so that his past hypothesis on ordinal numbers increased some unique significance. The expansion was trailed by the article he distributed in 1897 that denoted his last treat to the hypothesis of sets. As an end, Cantor expounded on the activity of set hypothesis. He gave that if X and Y are one of a kind sets which are proportional to a subset of Y and Y is equal to a subset, state subset X, at that point X and Y must be proportionate. This arrangement on set hypothesis got extraordinary help from numerous mathematicians, for example, Schrat and Bernstein, making it the most unmistakable and his most prominent commitment to arithmetic. Following this arrangement, Cantor’s work and commitment in science went down and nearly stopped.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Urban Planning The History Of The Development Japans Industry - 825 Words

Urban Planning: The History Of The Development Japan's Industry (Essay Sample) Content: Student’s Name Professor’s Name Subject DD MM YYYY Urban Planning Towards the end of the 1950s, Japan experienced rapid growth which led to an intense concentration of population in the Pacific coast. Consequently, it led to the transformation of Japan which necessitated the need for an urban planning system. Japan borrowed most of the Western planning features with the objective of becoming competitive and influential as the great powers. The significance of urban planning cannot be possibly assumed which is one of the reasons Japan directed huge investments towards the reconstruction of the city. Planning helps in the prevention of the spread of diseases and conflicts. Also, it promotes physical order and during those days, the perception that improving the physical environment would help in overcoming some of the social problems. Since long ago, Japanese Urbanists conveyed great attention to critical urban improvements by ensuring that they attended all international planning conferences. During the Meiji period, the government opened to the West which fostered interaction (Swale). In 1871, the government summoned the Iwakura mission to visit the West and note the urban trends which they later adopted in major cities. They came back with significant incentives which were applied in Japan constructions gradually. The Iwakura mission learned various concepts from the West which were later used during the reconstruction period. Sorensen states, â€Å"The post-war reconstruction project of Nagoya is one of the most famous, and one of the best documented† (160). Towards the end of the war, the government settled on reconstruction projects. One of the essential plans was the Nagoya project which virtually covered the entire city. Notably, it had two wide boulevards which were at the centre of the structure. The concept of the boulevards had been discovered during the Iwakura mission. In their trip across nations in the world, they realised various features used in Urban planning. One of the structures that particularly impressed the group was the magnificent boulevards in Paris. Fundamentally, this was one of the best and most beneficial creations. Today, Nagoya is one of the few cities in Japan with a good networking road system. Additionally, it does not present many challenges to residen ts since there is no congestion of motorists. Japan has narrow roads which Clements identifies as one of the country’s problems. In this regard, it is essential to determine that the streets are similarly narrow. As such, this poses a significant threat to the residents in the occurrence of a calamity or any other emergency. Added to that fact, the spread of disease is likely to be very rapid due to the proximity of residents (Sorensen and Funck 147). A quick overview of Japan’s map will allow one to realise this. One will quickly identify that streets are often devoid as well as the plots being full. Ideally, this trend owes to the fact that the "long linear streets did not provide the formal framework of the organisation in Japan and did not, therefore, support names" (Shelton 36). It is not common to find space between streets unless there is a temple or shrine around. In that case, there would be a name indicating the purpose of the religious premise. By all means, roads in the west are comparatively narrow which leads to congestion. It is usually had to navigate in the cities, especially if a person has a vehicle. The fact that Japan has narrow roads, which are similar to tho...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Passing Down Acquired Traits

An acquired trait is defined as a characteristic or trait that produces a phenotype that is a result of environmental influence. Acquired traits are not coded in the DNA of an individual and therefore most scientists believe they cannot be passed down to offspring during reproduction. In order for a characteristic or trait to be passed down to the next generation, it must be part of the individuals genotype. That is, its in their DNA. Darwin, Lamarck and Acquired Traits Jean-Baptiste Lamarck incorrectly hypothesized that acquired traits could indeed be passed down from parent to offspring and therefore make the offspring more suited to their environment or stronger in some way. ​ Charles Darwin originally adopted this idea in his first publication of his Theory of Evolution through Natural Selection, but later took this out once there was more evidence to show acquired traits were not passed down from generation to generation. Examples of Acquired Traits An example of an acquired trait would be an offspring born to a bodybuilder that had extremely large muscles. Lamarck thought that the offspring would automatically be born with larger muscles like the parent. However, since the larger muscles were an acquired trait through years of training and environmental influences, the large muscles were not passed down to the offspring. Genetic Traits Genetics, the study of genes, explains how traits like eye color and some genetic conditions can be passed on from one generation to the next. Parents pass traits to their young through gene transmission.  Genes, which are located on  chromosomes  and consist of  DNA, contain specific instructions for  protein  synthesis. Some conditions, like hemophilia, are contained in a chromosome and are passed on to offspring. But thats not to say all illnesses will be passed down; for instance, if you develop cavities in your teeth, thats not a condition youd pass down to your kids. New Research on Traits and Evolution Some recent scientific research, however, suggests that Lamarck may not have been entirely wrong. Scientists at the Columbia University Medical Center found that roundworms that developed resistance to a particular virus passed on that immunity to their offspring, and for several generations. Other research has found that mothers may pass on acquired traits as well. During World War II, the Dutch suffered a devastating famine. Women who gave birth during this period had babies who were more susceptible to metabolic disorders such as obesity. Those childrens children were likely to suffer from these conditions as well, research showed. So while the bulk of the evidence suggests that acquired traits like muscles and obesity arent genetic, and cant be passed on to offspring, there are some cases where this principle has been disproven.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Biography of William Blake - 1631 Words

How you live your life and the people you surround yourself with influence and inspire your work and success. William Blake was a famous artist, engraver and poet. However, it was not until 1863 that he became famous when Alexander Gilchrist published his biography(Blake, William, and Geoffrey Keynes).Blake and his poetry have been compared to Shakespeare (Kathleen Raine). As an artist Blake was equated to Michelangelo. Being born during the time of both the American and French Revolution, William Blake was against both the Church and the State. Blake was a Dualist, believing the earth is broken up into two; good and evil, Heaven and Hell. He was a visionary and was known to many as a modern-day prophet (in class). Blake’s visions†¦show more content†¦In June of 1780, the Gordon Riots broke out. The Gordon Riots were non-catholic demonstrations in response to a bill repealing penalties against the practice of Roman Catholicism . Houses and chapels were burned down and many people were arrested and killed. In addition, many prisoners were set free. Blake witnessed the burning of Newgate Prison from the front line. He was mixed in with a mob who attacked the prison (Thomas Wright). Gilchrist argues that Blake was â€Å"forced† to join the mob. However, many biographers argue that Blake supported the revolutionists and joined the mob by choice (The Complete Work). August 18, 1782, William Blake, at the age of 24, married 20 year old Catherine Boucher. She was the daughter of a Battersea market gardener. Though Blake and Catherine had a happy life together, they did not have any children. Catherine was uneducated and illiterate (Blake, William, and Geoffrey Keynes.). Blake taught Catherine how to read and write as well as how to engrave. In 1783, Blake published his first collection of poems Poetical Sketches. (The Complete Work). Many people influenced the writing of this collection. This included Shakespeare, John Milton, Thomas Fletche r, Augustan Poetry and many, many more. One of the poems in this collection, â€Å"To the Muses†, is contemporary poetry that mocks the Augustan Poetry. The poems in the collection reflect Blake’s objection toShow MoreRelatedEssay about A Brief Biography of William Blake668 Words   |  3 PagesHave you ever heard of a guy name William Blake? No, if not I can tell you things about him. William Blake was born over his father’s modest history shop at Broad Street, Golden Square, London. His dad name was James Blake and his mother name was Catherin Wright Armitage Blake. Did Blake have any Brother and Sisters? Yes he had four brothers and one sister their names are: John Blake, Richard Blake, James Blake, John William, and Catherin Elizabeth (A1). William Blake father was a prosperous hosierRead MoreWilliam Blakes Influence Of Literature1303 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Blake William Blake’s poetry was heavily influenced by the Christian Bible, which is quite uncommon for the English Romantic poets. In fact, he is even known as the final religious poet of Britain. This tendency toward using the Bible in his literature derived from his avid reading of this holy book during his childhood. There is little information about any other schooling he might have had outside of reading this book. However, his writing was unique from other Christian writings as heRead MoreWilliam Blake For this paper I choose to do a study of William Blake. I choose William Blake800 Words   |  4 PagesWilliam Blake For this paper I choose to do a study of William Blake. I choose William Blake because I really liked some of his poems and he is considered one of the most renowned poets in English literature history. He liked to write poems that could be understood by the everyday man, because most of his poem were about the everyday man, but he refused to sacrifice his visions in order to become popular. His work combines a variety of writing styles, he is an artist, a lyric poet and a visionaryRead MoreSongs of Good and Evil1545 Words   |  7 Pagesall describe William Blake’s life (Greenblatt, Abrams, Lynch, Stillinger). Blake was born November 28, 1757 in London, England and his artistic ability became evident in his early years. Blake had a very simple upbringing and had little education. His formal education was in art and at the age of fourteen he entered an apprenticeship with a well-known engraver who taught Blake his skills in engraving. In Blake’s free time, he began re ading writing poetry. At the age of twenty-one, Blake completed hisRead MoreSociological Criticism of William Blake’s Poetry Essay1506 Words   |  7 Pagescultural aspects of literature. To examine literature from the perspective of Marxist social theory is a quintessential form of sociological criticism, as Marxism primarily deals with political and economic ideas of communism and social inequality. William Blake, a Romantic poet, frequently wrote on the topic of class oppression and his opposition to the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists. Blake’s ideology and preference towards an equalitarian society quite closely mirror the theoriesRead MoreWilliam Blake was born in London on November 28, 1757 to James and Catherine Blake. His father,1600 Words   |  7 PagesWilliam Blake was born in London on November 28, 1757 to James and Catherine Blake. His father, James was a hosier (seller of legwear) in London. Blake had four brothers, James, John, Richard and Robert; and a s ister named Catherine (Harris 5). Blake got along best with his younger brother, Robert as they shared an interest in art (Clarke 1). As a young boy, Blake claimed to have had visions of God, spirits, prophets and angels. When he was four he is claimed to have seen God’s head in his windowRead MoreWilliam Blakes London1458 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿Blake and London Victorian London was a far from happy place. It was full of crime, the air full of filth, and the people rancorous. One of the premier poets of the period was one William Blake who advocated the beauties of life and railed against the distaste he felt for Victorian London and some of the more rigid ideologies of the time, specifically the strict morality and religious views of the English. In the poem London, Blake makes clear his position on the city and the morals of thatRead MoreEssay on The Message Behind A Poison Tree1077 Words   |  5 PagesWilliam Blake was a first generation Romantic poet. He lived a long life in which he wrote a copious amount of poetry (Eaves). Blake was also a painter. This aided Blake’s advancing symbolism; he could paint a lovely picture with his words (Eaves). The poem that I have analyzed is A Poison Tree. Blake strategically placed imagery and personification to hide his underlying truth; do not store up anger because horrible situations wil l arise. At first glance the poem seems hate filled and that he justRead MoreEssay The Writings of William Blake1106 Words   |  5 PagesWilliam Blake was one of England’s greatest writers (Tejvan) in the nineteenth century, but his brilliancy was not noticed until after he was deceased. Blake was very much a free spirit who often spoke his mind and was very sensitive to cruelty. At the age of twenty five he married a woman named Catherine Boucher. They created a book of all Blake’s poems called Songs on Innocence, which was not very popular while he was alive. On the other hand Blake’s other book of poems, Songs of Experience, wereRead MoreA Treatise Of Human Nature By David Hume1472 Words   |  6 PagesUp until the time when William Blake, William Wordsworth, and David Hume put pen to paper, the most revolutionary lines of thought regarding science and philosophy came from Isaac Newton and John Locke who described humans as passive receivers of a world of set laws ruling passive atoms. Hume pushes this popular understanding of the self to the brink and ends up claiming that one can never comprehend the self. Blake and Wordsworth both vehemently disagree with Hume and believe the self is knowable

Blockchain Applications for Bitcoin Transaction- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theBlockchain Applications for Bitcoin Transaction Graph. Answer: Introduction A blockchain is the continuous growing list of specific records, known as blocks that are eventually linked as well as secured with the help of cryptography [6]. Each and every block comprises of a specific cryptographic hash of the last block, the transaction data and a timestamp. According to design, any blockchain is resistant to the data modification. It is open and distributed ledger, which records the transactions within two parties effectively and permanently [5]. The following report outlines a brief description on the entire concept of blockchain and its two major applications, viz. Bitcoin and Ethereum. The field and purpose of these applications will be provided here. Moreover, the complete working model of the application will be given here. The advantages and disadvantages of Bitcoin and Ethereum will also be depicted here. Discussion Field and Purpose of Bitcoin and Ethereum i) Bitcoin: The first and the most important application of Blockchain technology is Bitcoin. It is the typical kind of crypto currency and the payment system that is being undertaken worldwide. Bitcoin is the first digital currency that is decentralized and can work without the central bank [4]. Field of Bitcoin is the new faucet of bitcoin. The best example of this faucet is PayPal bitcoin. It allows transactions from any currency and is extremely fast and secured. The main purpose of Bitcoin is to make transactions virtually. It works with the linked sets of blocks of various transactions records [1]. It is type of crypto currency and helps the user in making the payment easily and securely. ii) Ethereum: This is the second important application of Blockchain technology. It is an open source and public blockchain based computing program as well as operating system that feature smart contract functionality [10]. Field of Ethereum can be defined as the transaction based state machine. All the transactions can easily alter the state and that state can keep the track of every transaction. The main purpose of Ethereum is that it is traded as the exchange of digital currency similar to other currencies. Working Model of Bitcoin and Ethereum i) Bitcoin: The working model of Bitcoin is extremely easier. At first, the Bitcoin wallet is to be installed in the system or phone and it would generate the first address of Bitcoin [3]. Next, the transactions are included in the blockchain. The Bitcoin network relies on this blockchain. Thus, the spendable balances as well as the new transactions are verified. Cryptography enforces the chronological order and the integrity of blockchain. Then the Bitcoin wallet keeps a private data piece known as the private key that are utilized for signing the transactions. It provides a mathematical proof of the owner [2]. Within the next ten minutes, the transaction is broadcasted within the users with the mining procedure. The process of mining helps to ensure that the transaction is done successfully by including them in the blockchain. ii) Ethereum: The working model of Ethereum is different from the Bitcoin. It enables the user in programming their own smart contracts. At first the funds are kept in the multi signature accounts [7]. Next, agreements are made between the users and utility is provided to the other contracts. Finally, information is stored regarding the domain registration and membership records. Scalability Issues i) Bitcoin: The scalability problem of Bitcoin solely refers to the restriction or limitation in the amount of transactions to be made. It is completely related to the fact that the records within the bitcoin blockchain are restricted to the frequency and size [4]. The block comprises of the transactions over the bitcoin network. ii) Ethereum: The scalability problem of Ethereum is that the there is a restriction in the set of users. Only a minimal number of users can utilize this technology [9]. Moreover, time is another important problem. It delays payments. Features and Weaknesses of Bitcoin and Ethereum i) Bitcoin: There are various features of the Bitcoin technology. The mist important feature is Bearer Ecash, which means that it works exactly like the physical cash. The second feature is that it does not require permission from anybody [1]. Privacy is the next important feature, which allows secured transactions. Moreover, it is non political currency and a virtual commodity. In spite of having these advantages, there are few disadvantages in Bitcoin as well. They mainly include unacceptability worldwide, stolen wallets, fluctuations in valuation, risks of technical faults and in built deflation [3]. ii) Ethereum: The main features of the Ethereum technology majorly include being a platform through which the users could utilize tokens for creating and running applications. The second feature is that it uses turing language [8]. The next feature is that the cost of Ethereum is given in gas form. Furthermore, no middleman is required in this type of technology. In spite of having these advantages, few disadvantages are also present in Ethereum. They are Bottom dollar that makes the process slower, lack of documentation and regular up gradations. Socio-Technical Aspects i) Bitcoin: The socio technical aspects of the popular application of Blockchain, namely, Bitcoin mainly include Dark Web Crawler and integration of Blockchain analytical tools [3]. The major technical aspect is that it utilizes private key cryptography and thus the security of the transactions is maintained. ii) Ethereum: The socio technical aspects of Ethereum include the creation of smart contracts for independently releasing tokens once the investor transfers the funds [7]. It is extremely simple and easy method. Thus, it could be utilized by all users. Conclusion Therefore, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that blockchain technology can be simply defined as the incorruptible digital ledger of any type of economic transactions, which are eventually programmed for recording not only financial transactions, but also everything. It is the most traditional method of sharing all types of documents with proper collaboration. The most amazing advantage of this particular technology is that it comprises of an in built robustness. It stores the information in blocks across the network. Blockchain technology helps to eradicate the manipulation problem. Blockchains are always secured by design and comprises of high fault tolerance. The decentralized consensus makes the blockchains perfect for event recording or medical details recording. There are various applications of blockchains like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Truthcoin, Factom and Namecoin. The above report has properly outlined the concept of blockchain and its two applications, Ethereum and Bitcoin. References [1] Eyal, Ittay, and Emin Gn Sirer. "Majority is not enough: Bitcoin mining is vulnerable." InInternational conference on financial cryptography and data security, pp. 436-454. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2014. [2] Ron, Dorit, and Adi Shamir. "Quantitative analysis of the full bitcoin transaction graph." InInternational Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security, pp. 6-24. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013. [3] Reid, Fergal, and Martin Harrigan. "An analysis of anonymity in the bitcoin system." InSecurity and privacy in social networks, pp. 197-223. Springer, New York, NY, 2013. [4] Androulaki, Elli, Ghassan O. Karame, Marc Roeschlin, Tobias Scherer, and Srdjan Capkun. "Evaluating user privacy in bitcoin." InInternational Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security, pp. 34-51. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013. [5] Swan, Melanie.Blockchain: Blueprint for a new economy. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.", 2015. [6] Zyskind, Guy, and Oz Nathan. "Decentralizing privacy: Using blockchain to protect personal data." InSecurity and Privacy Workshops (SPW), 2015 IEEE, pp. 180-184. IEEE, 2015. [7] Wood, Gavin. "Ethereum: A secure decentralised generalised transaction ledger."Ethereum Project Yellow Paper151 (2014): 1-32. [8] Atzei, Nicola, Massimo Bartoletti, and Tiziana Cimoli. "A survey of attacks on Ethereum smart contracts (SoK)." InInternational Conference on Principles of Security and Trust, pp. 164-186. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2017. [9] Hirai, Yoichi. "Defining the ethereum virtual machine for interactive theorem provers." InInternational Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security, pp. 520-535. Springer, Cham, 2017. [10] Delmolino, Kevin, Mitchell Arnett, Ahmed Kosba, Andrew Miller, and Elaine Shi. "A programmers guide to ethereum and serpent."URL: https://mc2-umd. github. io/ethereumlab/docs/serpent_tutorial. pdf.(2015).(Accessed May 06, 2016)(2015).