Friday, February 28, 2020

How writing influences and changes a society Essay

How writing influences and changes a society - Essay Example Many literature analysts believe that while looking at only one dimension of writing interchanges, educational, institutional, professional, and social settings limits the potentiality of writing discourse and the means through which writing enters into the dynamic unfolding of situations and events. To understand various modes in which writing possess an influence on our minds, we need to explore the practices that people engage in to produce texts as well as the ways that writing practices gain their meanings and functions as dynamic elements of specific cultural settings. Traditionally, writing has elucidated the motivation factor behind scriptures and text analysis, which for centuries have demonstrated human nature while examining the limitations of the meanings, humans predicted from writing. As earliest as writing within scriptural religions, we can see that religion was a start to influence people with written sacred texts. It was due to the writings that bestowed upon the th en people, motivation to fit themselves into sophisticated culture and form a part of modernized society. The initial examples of writing influences were that from the meaning people could opt out of holy books such as the Bible, Talmud and Koran. Of course these sacred books while determining a precise culture of humanity, initiated to what we call today as 'philosophy' and other intellectual endeavors that later involved criticizing claims of opponents, which motivated analysis of texts to find flaws in reasoning, confusions, or other limitations. Sacred writings also evolved a sense of legal/illegal among the people for which written law became a matter of precedence, followed by written legal briefs which became important to determine what the law really said, what the loopholes were, how precedents could be used to argue one side or another, what the weaknesses and strengths were of opposing arguments. The power of writing has always attempted to make changes in a society and no doubt that it has remained successful in diverting its audience to acknowledge the power of pen. But in order to make desirable changes, it has not hesitated to present before the society a mirror, through which the audience has accepted their cultural loopholes and foremost weaknesses. Therefore it is said that a society is reflected in the literature, it is not the literature that reflects a society. However, many authors believe that literature predicts the hegemony and culture of society. One can see that cultural text anthologies of rhetoric have become histories, since they are primarily concerned with displaying a sense of order and continuity, and also because of the reason that such rhetorics displayed the time it wrote in the literature. It would be naive to consider anthologies as mere

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Who are you Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Who are you - Essay Example The Canoe restaurant has to a great extent complied with the laid down regulations on food handling and storage. Referring to the Los Angeles county regulations, to evade food contamination, all frozen food should be prepared in a frozen state or refrigerated at a temperature of less than 38 degrees. From the assessment findings, it was noted that, staffs in the restaurant were reluctant in complying with the directives. The temperature in the kitchen was at 73 degrees which was far beyond the stipulated temperature. the kitchen staffs were extremely clean and had spotless and bright uniforms as required for by the Los Angeles county regulations. According to the existing regulations, potentially harmful foods such as fish, beef, and raw pottery ought to be prepared with sanitized and cleaned equipment. However, the inspection confirmed that, the kitchen staffs failed to act in accordance with the existing regulations. During the investigation, it was noted that, the chief assistant used one instrument to chop different meat without cleaning or sterilizing it. To ensure adequate hygiene in foo d preparation, the Los Angeles county regulations emphasizes on the significance of wearing a clean uniform, gloves, and hair nets. After investigation, it was observed that, the chef and its assistant wore gloves but they lacked a hair net. On the other hand, the restaurants did not comply with the regulations which define how foods should be handled when preparing them. At around one, the investigator noted a less frozen turkey on the counter. All foodstuffs are required by the law to be well wrapped and stored in a clean dry. During the investigation, the freezers and refrigerators were all well organized and spotlessly clean as required for in the regulations. The foods in the refrigerator were stored in sealed containers. However, it was impossible to recognize the stored food since the wrapped foods were neither dated nor labeled as specified by the