Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Issue Of Gender Inequality - 1415 Words

The issue of gender inequality is an issue that cuts across all demographics in all regions of the world. Gender inequality is one of the most recognizable limitations to female prosperity. Male dominance coincides with gender inequality to create a lack of female prosperity and a gender gap, and this is a prevalent issue for all women who seek employment within any organization. Gender inequality is a complex social and organizational issue that demands comprehensive evaluation, especially if it is to be challenged with a new approach. The ability to overcome challenges that are excusive to women in the workplace requires that women are respected, rewarded, and recognized. Likewise, anticipating problems to a new approach is a proper way to overcome such challenges. The most important step to overcoming gender inequality lies in the ability to not only recognize underlying factors that contribute to this issue, but to also implement new strategies designed to provide women with an a venue to prosperity. Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg is a comprehensive book that provides extensive research on gender differences within organization, and feasible options for women to bridge the gender gap. Companies can overcome gender inequality by creating programs that facilitate female careers and personal balance for females, and it is this opportunity that [our company] seeks to provide to women so that there is an increased chance that they can have itShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Gender Inequality904 Words   |  4 PagesThe issue of gender inequality towards women in male-dominated fields still occurs today despite an equality law implanted over 50 years ago. The purpose of this collected research is to address the issues of sex-discrimination in traditional male careers such as segregated stereotypes, unfair career advancements and the gender based wage gap. Throughout the research process, discoveries revealed that women are viewed by ma les as incapable of completing work in male-based fields such as constructionRead MoreThe Issue Of Gender Inequality947 Words   |  4 Pagesto be on the horizon. Now, in the 21st century, the issue of gender inequality is still being discussed. Feminism is a growing trend among the new generation of Americans, but an aspect that is continually overlooked is the workplace. In the workplace, females are not treated the same as their male counterparts. They receive lesser pay, and because of discrimination, fewer employment opportunities are offered. The wage gap has been an ongoing issue. 50 years ago, women earned 59 cents to every dollarRead MoreThe Issue Of Gender Income Inequality1060 Words   |  5 Pagesthe issue of gender income inequality in terms of age. Gender income inequality can be described as the unequal treatment between men and women in terms of revenue, and has been an issue for women for a long period of time. According to Workplace Gender Equality Agency, the average gender pay gap between full-time men and women increases in accordance to age, when the gap begins to narrow due to reduced income in retirement. This report will explain the main issue of gender income inequality in termsRead MoreGender Inequality : A Global Issue756 Words   |  4 Pages Keisha Theodore 12/05/16 Gender inequality: Economics Gender inequality is a global issue as no country has achieved gender parity. I chose this topic because I am a female and will soon be entering the work force and this information pertains to not only me, but to other females who are unaware. I think it is important that we stay informed, so that we can work together to solve this issue. I think gender inequality is an issue that should be addressed for the reason that it goes againstRead MoreThe Social Issue Of Gender Inequality1939 Words   |  8 PagesThe Social Issue of Gender Inequality between Men and Women Nakia Bell University of South Alabama Abstract In this paper, I will be discussing the social issue of gender inequality between men and women. Gender inequality is a problem that is widely recognized and affects men and women alike. Gender inequality affects employment, earnings, how individuals are viewed, etc. This issue is one that needs to be resolved so women, and men, can make progress toward a gender-neutral societyRead MoreGender Inequality Is A Prominent Issue Globally1864 Words   |  8 Pages311 Gender inequality is a prominent issue globally. Gender inequality is defined as unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on their gender. Around the world, women are not treated as equally as men. In 2015, only 50% of the world’s working-age women were in the labor force, compared to 77% of working-age men. In this essay, I will be focusing on gender inequality in China and Japan and the causes and effects of gender inequality in both countries, as well as whether gender inequalityRead MoreThere Are Many Issues Regarding Gender Inequality In The1812 Words   |  8 PagesThere are many issues regarding gender inequality in the U.S. One of the many examples is gender inequality in the workforce. Women are unequally treated in the workforce due sex segregation. One of the main issues in the workforce is hiring discrimination. Hiring discrimination in the U.S. is illegal under the Civil Rights Act that was passed in 1964 (Pg. 275 Sociology project 2.0), but the law has not totally ended discrimination. Many businesses have biased leaders. Women are more likely to getRead MoreGender Inequality : An Ongoing Issue That Occurs Everywhere1420 Words   |  6 Pages Gender inequality is an ongoing issue that occurs everywhere. The Oxford Dictionary of Sports Science Medicine defines gender inequality as â€Å"Social process by which people are treated differently and disadvantageously, under similar circumstances, on the basis of gender† (Kent). This inequality is deeply related to the social view of the gender and inherent biological factors. According to Jay Mcsherry in his paper The Gender Divide, he claims that gender inequality can be seen from differencesRead MoreA Brief Note On Global Gender Inequality Issues1334 Words   |  6 Pages Global Gender Inequality Issues Continuing Problem Gains and Progress More than 110 million children in the world are not in school. Among them two third of it accounts for girls. Some of the developing countries including Jamaica, Philippines and South Africa has worked on gender inequalities and made such policies that women literacy rate has gone higher. Women represents an average of less than 10% in the parliaments of various countries around the world. In 2005 Iraqi government decided thatRead MoreGender Inequality Is A Grave Issue Throughout The History Of Time972 Words   |  4 PagesGender inequality is a grave issue throughout the history of time. However, black women have gotten the shorter end of the stick, and Marita Bonner addresses this issue in her essay, â€Å"On Being Young – a Woman – and Colored.† Bonner believes that time will heal the disjunction between men and women, and more specifically the ignorance of black women’s presence in society. This essay proves that Bonner’s solution – allow time to heal – is pragmatic and history proves that it worked. Women in the

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Why Harry Truman Dropped the Bomb on Hiroshima, and the...

On August 6th 1945, the United States, led by Harry Truman, decided to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, forever changing warfare. This paper will be dedicated to why Harry Truman decided to use the atomic bomb on Japan and the effects that this decision had on humanity afterward. The creation of the atomic bomb, and subsequently the Manhattan Project, was created in response to the belief that the German Government was in the process of creating atomic weapons. This belief was expressed to President Roosevelt in a letter written to him by Albert Einstein, who introduce Roosevelt to the ability of atomic weapons and shared with him that the German Government had stop selling the crucial ingredient of uranium from their recently†¦show more content†¦This attitude was only compounded when United States Government were informed of the treatment of American prisoners of war after the Battle of Bataan in the Philippines, which resulted in the Bataan Death March in April 1 942. The Bataan Death March was a 65-mile march in which American and Filipino prisoners of war were gathered into groups of 100 and forced to march North towards Camp O’Donnell. The prisoners were given little food or water during the march, which led to starvation and extreme fatigue for many of the soldiers. On occasion, soldiers would break formation to try and drink stagnant water of the sides of the road, after having their canteens emptied by the Japanese. These actions resulted in being bayoneted or shot. Other actions by the Japanese were dragging prisoners behind trucks, making the prisoners sit in the sun for hours without shade, and random executions . This brutal treatment of these prisoners resulted in over 5,000 deaths and has been labeled as one of the worst atrocities in modern wartime history. These events led the United States to have an attitude of revenge for the rest of the war, which played a factor in the decision to use the atomic bomb on Japan, whic h Truman made evident by stating, â€Å"The Japanese began the war from the air at Pearl Harbor. They have been repaid many fold.† Revenge was only part of the equation for the decision to use atomic weapons inShow MoreRelatedThe Atomic Bomb Of Hiroshima1701 Words   |  7 Pages‘The Atomic Bomb; a bomb which derives its destructive power from the rapid release of nuclear energy by fission of heavy atomic nuclei, causing damage through heat, blast, and radioactivity’. On August 6 1945, at 8:15 am local time, the city of Hiroshima in Japan, home to 350 000 people, became the first victim of the destructive war weapon. As of this vicious and devastating day, world history was changed forever. The long and short-term significance of this event shaped the way in which peopleRead MoreThe Power Of God : A Push Of A Button1639 Words   |  7 PagesThese weapons are unlike any other for they are unique in their tenacious, dispersing, genetically damaging radioactive af ter effects. They are so powerful that even the use of tens or hundreds of nuclear bombs would disrupt the global climate, causing widespread famine. The use of atomic bombs began in the times of World War II, the fight between the Axis powers and the Allies. In the Axis powers the three main countries were Germany, Italy, and Japan. In the Allied powers the main countriesRead MoreThe Atomic Bomb On Japan1625 Words   |  7 PagesIn 1945, a decision was made that would change the world. President Harry S. Truman gave the order for the United States to drop atomic bombs on the Japanese Empire. Now, almost seven decades later, that decision is still the topic of much debate. Why did Truman decide to use a weapon so destructive that it could kill hundreds of thousands of people at one time? Was the decision he made the right one? It is important to examine the factors that went into this difficult decision before taking sidesRead MoreThe Nineteen Hundred Years2196 Words   |  9 Pageschanged dramatically. This is often attributed to many social, political, and technological advancements in the world. These changes would ca use the eventual â€Å"Limiting† of war, a tactic never before seen and in fact never before needed, a direct consequence of war. During this term we’ve looked at many wars, beginning with the Italian conflicts of 1494, and progressing all the way to the current day war in Syria and Iraq, and the one thing that has changed and shifted the most in these five hundredRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie An Anti Hero 2303 Words   |  10 PagesWhy is it that there are multiple new movies and books being created with antiheroes as the leading or main characters? The reason they want antiheroes instead of heroes is because antiheroes are a lot more relatable because they are flawed like every day people are. As Judy Lee Dunn says, â€Å"while ‘too good’ can make for an unbelievable story character, still I need someone who I want to succeed―against all odds† (Dunn). They tend to make several mistakes, the same way most people do, before findingRead Mor eOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesdecades of agrarian and industrial depression from the late 1860s to the 1890s, as well as the social tensions and political rivalries that generated and were in turn fed by imperialist expansionism, one cannot begin to comprehend the causes and consequences of the Great War that began in 1914. That conflict determined the contours of the twentieth century in myriad ways. On the one hand, the war set in motion transformative processes that were clearly major departures from those that defined the

Friday, December 13, 2019

Harriet Jacobs Free Essays

â€Å"The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead† (Power 1), Aristotle knew the importance of education; especially literacy. Literacy is what stood between the slaves and the slaves owners. However, some of the enslaved were fortunate enough to possess more intelligence than their owners knew. We will write a custom essay sample on Harriet Jacobs or any similar topic only for you Order Now Harriet Jacobs is one of the few that shared the knowledge of literacy and she knew the power that this held. She used this as her driving force to push through all of the hardships a slave had to endure on a daily basis. Jacobs account in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl truly depict the power of literacy. As a young girl Jacobs learns of her fate to come. â€Å"When I was six years old, my mother died; and then, for the first time, I learned, by the talk around me, that I was a slave† (Jacobs 10). Jacobs blesses her first mistress, Margaret Horniblow, for teaching her to read and spell. From this early age Jacobs begins to see that language and reality are intertwined. Through this interconnected thinking Jacobs discovers how to decode both the word and the world. This causes bitterness towards her mistress Margaret, when she teaches her the bible. â€Å"My mistress had taught me the percepts of God’s word: ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. ‘Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so unto them. ’ But I was her slave, and I suppose she did not recognize me as her neighbor† (Jacobs). Jacobs realizes that her mistress does not view her as her neighbor and in turn doesn’t view her as a human being. The hypocrisy sh own to her through the bible infuriates Jacobs. This leads Jacobs to question literacy as a possible pathway to freedom, however, Jacobs ability to read and write never sets her free. â€Å"Education makes people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave† (Power 1). Henry Peter, Lord Brougham explain this in â€Å"The Present State of the Law†; this statement holds true to the way slave owners held their power over the Slaves. Unlike the biblical reading Jacobs reads with her mistress, the slave owners would warp Christ’s word to make slaves believe that their enslavement was warranted by God. These twisted passages would be read orally by the slave owners. Jacob’s now notices how language can be abused and used against her fellow slaves. As a testament to Jacobs eye opening experiences, Harryette Mullen uncovers the oral abuse slaves endured. This was necessary through the slave owners eyes because they were afraid of rioting and runaway slaves. There plantations depended on the slaves labour, so they needed to make it very clear tot their slaves that whites were of a higher society. â€Å"If institutionalized illiteracy was intended to exempt African Americans from access to or participation in the discursive formations of bourgeois society, then to the extent that it succeed, it also left them outside conventional ideological constructions that played a part in determining white identities† (Mullen 256) Along with these biblical reading slave owners also payed special attention to their women slaves. Most of the time female slaves were sexual harassed and raped. Jacobs was a victim of harassment when she lived in Dr. Flint’s household. â€Å"Illiterate slave women operated within a tradition of resistant orality, or verbal self defense, which included speech acts variously labeled sassy or saucy, impudent, impertinent, or insulant: the speech of slaves who refused to know their place, who contested their assigned social and legal inferiority as slaved and as black women† (Mullen 255). Jacobs was put into dozens of inappropriate situations and these became worse when Dr. Flint discovered Jacobs literacy. Dr. Flint send her sexual letters which Jacobs tells him that she cannot read. â€Å"While Harriet Jacob’s literacy was a tremendous source of empowerment, it also exposed her to an even more concentrated dose of the ideology of domesticity than the training she received while living and working in the homes of white women and observing their behavior† (Mullen 260) Quotes I want to use but I’m not sure how. —- Their texts, by focusing on a continuum of resistance to oppression available to the illiterate as well as the literate, tend to stress orality as a presence over illiteracy as an absence† (Mullen 255). â€Å"Harriet Jacob’s narrative, which may be seen as ascribing gender to the generic (male) narrative genre, demonstrates that it is possible to appropriate bourgeois ideology to affirm the humanity of slaves and illi terates-without Douglass’s rhetorical conflation of literacy, freedom, and manhood, which reinforces rather than challenges the symbolic emasculation of the male slave and the silencing of the female slave. Because she associates the slave’s humanity with defiant or subversive speech, resistant behavior, and the ethics of reciprocal relationships, as well as with writing and individual autonomy, Jacobs affirms the humanity of the collectivity of slaves as well as the successful fugitive and literate narrator† (Mullen 261) â€Å"For Jacobs, literacy serves to record for a reading audience a continuity of experience already constructed and preserved within her family through oral accounts† (Mullen 261). â€Å"Only the educated are free† Epictetus (Power 1) â€Å"Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army† Edward Everett (Power 1) How to cite Harriet Jacobs, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Strategic Marketing Problems Study Guide free essay sample

Midterm Exam Study Guide, Spring, 2014 Chapter 1: Foundations of Strategic Marketing Management Role of marketing in the strategic planning function Primary purpose of marketing is to create long-term mutually beneficial exchange relationships between an entity and the publics with which it interacts Product-Market Strategy Selection A recurrent issue in strategic marketing management is determining the consistency of product-markets strategies with the organization’s definition, mission and capabilities, market capacity and behavior, environmental forces, and competitive activities Strategic marketing process steps: Business, mission, goals a. What kind of business are we in? b. Compliments the definition. Written statement hat underscored ths scope of an org’s operations in its definition and reflects managements vision of what the org seeks to do i. Crystallizes managements vision of the org’s long term direction and character ii. Provides guidance in identifying, purusing, and evaluationg market and prduct opps iii. Inspire and challenge employees to do things that are valued by the org c. We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Marketing Problems: Study Guide or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Goals convert the orgs mission into tangible actions and results to be achieved within a certain time frame 2. Organizational growth opportunities a. What might we do- environment opp. Unmet or changing consumer needs, unsatisfied buyer groups, and new means of tech for delivering value to prospective buyers b. What we do best- org capability and competency. Distinctive competency is what they UNIQUELY do best c. What must we do- success requirements in certain industries to be able to even slightly compete 3. Product-market strategies, including both growth strategies and marketing tactics Budgets a. Formal statement of plan in financial terms i. Operating- pro forma income statement because it is made up of futurerevenues and expenses ii. Financial- how to operating income statement will affect thte company’s cash position 5. Reformulation/recovery strategies a. Marketing audit- examination of company’s marketing environ, objectives, and strats to determine problem areas and opps and recommend a plan of action to improve the company’s marketing performance b. Are we doi ng things right, are we doing the right things? And the what ifs SWOT analysis formal framework for identifying and framing organizational growth opportunities S = strength W = weakness O = opportunity T = threat What strengths are distinctive competencies? What weaknesses disqualify the org from pursuing certain opps? Product-market grid and strategies (market penetration, market development, product development, diversification) product-market strategies consist of plans for matching an org existing or potential offerings with the needs of mkts, informing mkts that offerings exist, having offerings available at the right time and place to facilitate exchange, and assigning prices to offerings product market grid Market-Penetration. Strategydictates that an org seeks to gain greater dominance in a mkt in which it already has an offering involves attempts to increase present buyers’ usage or consumption rates of the offering, to attract buyers of competiting offeringss, or to stimulate product trial among potential customers marketing managers should consider a number of factors before adopting a penetration strategy: must examine market growth must consider competitive reaction must consider the capacity of the market to increase usage or consumption rates and the availabilty of new buyers Marketing Development Strategydictates that an org introduces its existing offerings to markets other than those it is currently serving examples include introducing existing products to different geographical areas or different buying publics mix of mkt activities used must often be varied to reach different markets with differing buying patterns and requirements marketing development involves a careful consideration o f competitor strengths and weaknesses and competitive retaliation potential mkt development in the international arena has grown in importance and usually takes 1/4 forms: exporting licensing joint venture direct investment Product-Development Strategy dictates that the org creates new offerings for existing markets approach taken may be to develop totally new offerings to enhance the value to customers of existing offerings or to broaden the existing line of fferings by adding different sizes, forms, flavors, and so forth (product extension) companies successful at developing and commercializing new offerings lead their industries in sales growth and profitability companies liklihood of success is increased if its product-development effort results in offerings that satisfy a clearly understood buyer need toy industry qualities:lasting play value ability to be shared with other children ability to stimulate a child’s imagination successful commercialization occurs when the offering can be communicated and delivered to a well-defined buyer group at a price it is willing and able to pay cannibalism occurs when sales of a new product or service come at the expense of sales of existing products or s ervices already marketed by the firm. Diversificationinvolves the development or acquisition of offerings new to the organization and the introduction of those offerings to publics not previously served by the organization diversification is often a high-risk strategy because both the offerings and the public or market served are new to the org Ethics and social responsibility should permeate every aspect stated above must do the right thing even if it may end up hurting your position in the org failure to recognize issues and to take action is the least ethical thing you can do—don’t ignore Anheeuser-Bush- Drink responsibly